Saturday, 25 November 2017

Newsletter Week of November 27th

Week of November 27th-December 1st

This Friday, December 1st is a holiday.

What a wonderful week we had with exciting science lessons and labs. Thank you to the ECO team that came into our classes and taught us about worms. Each class now has its own worm compost bin.

We also spent two days in the science lab doing our first experiment testing how animals survive in cold climates. Check out your child’s blog to see more!

Save the date for these upcoming events:
Tuesday/Wednesday, December 12/13th Field Trip to Klang Valley water treatment site. This field trip will be conditional depending on the water levels. Some classes will be going on the Tuesday and some on the Wednesday. Your classroom teacher will be sending home a permission form that will have more information in the next week.

Thursday, December 14th will be our learning celebration. It will begin at 8:15 and last 45 minutes. All parents are invited.

This week begins on a day 4.

Students will continue to build on their knowledge of biographies. Students will think about biographies with a new lens. We will review how biography readers think “How is this person famous?” and narrative nonfiction readers ask “What is the timeline of events leading up to this accomplishment or disaster?”
Students will understand that writers reread their pieces carefully looking for confusing or undeveloped parts to clear up for their readers. They need to role-play with a partner to make sure their writing is not confusing.
Students will continue to work on multiplication problems and being to apply their prior knowledge and understanding of place value to help with multiplying groups of tens.
Science This week we will have investigations about plants. We will go to the Science Lab to dissect plants to see the different parts of a plant and examine how those parts help them survive.

Nov. 27th-Dec. 1st, 2017- Choose 2 activities to complete before Thursday to share in class.

Create a poster that explains multiplication. You should include pictures, numbers, and words. It might have example strategies like:
equal groups, arrays, skip counting, repeated addition, turn-around, decomposing, (commutative property) etc.
Language arts:

Read a biography.
In your home learning journal, take notes on the person’s life: Who, Wanted, But, So, Then.
Language arts:

Write a creative story of your choice in your home learning journal.

Practice your basic multiplication facts (1-5).

Observe all the different things you and your family use WATER for in your house. In your home learning journal, rank them from most important use to least important usage of water.

Build something out of recycled material that floats in water.
(If possible, take a picture of it)

Remember: Reading is just what we do. It is expected each night.

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