Friday, 13 October 2017

Newsletter Week of October 16th

Week of October 16-17th

3AH really enjoyed participating in the cardboard challenge last Wednesday. It gave them the opportunity to collaborate, be creative and passionate, have fun, and share their creations with the whole grade. We wrote about the cardboard challenge for this week's blog post. We will be sharing with you your child individual blog in the coming week.

Thanks again for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the conferences. It was a great opportunity for the students to share their work and talk about their learning goals.

This week will begin on Day 2. It will be a short two day week. Please turn in the Field trip form by Tuesday. Home learning is also due on Tuesday.

Have a safe and relaxing holiday!

Reading During this shortened week, students will get ready to read nonfiction by revving up their minds even before they start reading a text by: previewing it, accessing prior knowledge, identifying the different features and thinking about how the book might go.
Writing Students will create a list of topics that they have a lot of prior knowledge with and feel like experts in. These topics will be used for future nonfiction informational writing. They will then choose one of those topics that they wish to develop further and write about in detail.
Math Students will begin the week by learning and practicing a strategy for adding within 1000, the first being the partial sums strategy.
Science This week marks the beginning of the Ecosystems unit. We will start out by thinking about what an ecosystem is and what are some different ecosystems around the world.

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