Thursday, 22 March 2018

Newsletter Week of April 2nd

Dear Parents,
Hopefully, you and your family had a relaxing and fun holiday. We are now set up for our final stretch of the school year. A time that promises lots of learning and growth, and it will go by quickly. We have several new units scheduled to being this week! 

The Terry Fox Run on March23rd was quite successful for third graders. They learned more about cancer awareness, participated in an important community service event at school, and were inspired to do their personal best for the fun run. 

We begin the week on Day 6 

This week begins with a new nonfiction reading unit called Research Reading. Students will start off by looking over their resources and organising them. They will then identify subtopics within the topic they are studying and begin to synthesise the information to become experts.  

Students are continuing the fiction writing unit from before the holiday. They will not only continue to write adapted fairytales but also branch out into other fantasy and creative writing choices. 

Students will begin a new unit in math this week titled Representing and Comparing Fractions. They will begin by partitioning shapes into parts with equal areas. They will express the areas of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partitioning a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describing the area of each part as 1/4 of the area of the shape. This is a very important unit with lots of new skills and concepts introduced.

We start the week with a very exciting new science unit called Earth and Space. They will begin the unit by tuning in to prior knowledge and generating a list of wonderings. They will also take a look at technology and try to find out how technology can help us to learn about the solar system?

Week of April 2. Please complete 2 activities and bring in to share on Friday, April 6.
How are fractions used in everyday life? Make a list of times when you would use fractions.
Language arts:Image result for troll
Write a story that includes this character. He can either be the main character or a secondary character.
Language arts:

Read a fairytale. Write down the characters, setting, problem, solution, and lesson learned.
Write down a list of questions you have about fractions? What do you wonder? What do you want to learn more about?
Social Studies: How have ancient civilizations influenced our modern day world? Think about art and architecture, education, technology,. Make a drawing and label it or write about it.
Other: Practice one act of kindness each day this week. Write down what you did.

Remember: Reading is just what we do. It is expected each night.

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