Thursday, 5 April 2018

Newsletter Week of April 9th

Dear Parents,

Students had lots of questions and were very eager to begin our new Earth and Space unit. The tuning in activities helped to generate wonderings and build excitement. 

Similar enthusiasm and wonderings came up as we started our final math unit of the school year on Fractions. Here again are the vocabulary words for the unit.

We begin the week on Day 5

Students will conduct research on a planet that they are interested in learning about. They will use a variety of texts and digital materials, synthesise the important information about their subtopics, and record it in their own words. You can find out more about this unit, including vocabulary and resources by clicking HERE.

Students are continuing with fiction writing. They will continue to write adapted fairytales, but also branch out into other fantasy and creative writing choices. Additionally, students will begin to look at writing longer and more detailed/complex sentences. 

Students will continue to practice partitioning shapes into equal parts. They will explain a unit fraction as part of a whole. They will represent/show different fractions and explain their representation.

Students will take a look at some of the important technological developments throughout history
that have enabled us to learn more about the solar system. They will explore how technology helps us learn about the Solar System and beyond.

Week of April 9, 2018.
Please complete 2 activities and bring in to share on Friday, April 13th.
Draw different rectangles, squares, and other regular polygons. Partition them into equal halves, thirds, fourths, etc.
Language arts:
Write a fiction story that takes place in Space. Include characters, space setting, problem, and solution. Also, what lesson can the reader learn?
Language arts:
Research information about the Sun or Moon. Write down important notes in your home learning journal.
Also, make a word bank (glossary) of expert words.
Practice your division and multiplication facts (games, flashcards, online practice, quizzes, etc).
Earth and Space:
Go outside after 7:30PM or before 7 AM. Look up at the sky. What do you see? List and/or sketch what you notice.
Build a solar system (planets, sun, etc) out of recycled materials. Sketch it in your journal, bring it in to class, or take a photo and send it to your teacher.

Remember: Reading is just what we do. It is expected each night.

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