Friday, 25 May 2018

Newsletter Week of May 28th

Hello 3AH parents,

Wow! What a wonderful week we had in grade 3. Students have been busy writing and reading poetry, representing data in graphs, and reflecting on their learning in grade 3. A huge thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped out on Wet & Wild day! Students and adults were playing in the mud, collaborating constructively, and having fun!!  Please take a look at the class pictures on the blog. 

This week begins on a Day 2.
There is no school on Tuesday, May 29th due to a public holiday. And also no School on Friday, June 1st.

Our learning Celebration is this week. We are so excited to share all of our poetry with you! This is going to be our last time all together and we will have a short celebration immediately following the learning share in each classroom. Thank you in advance to our GLC and room parents for organizing. Hope to see you all on Wednesday morning. 

Reading/Writing: Students will continue their exploration of poetry and share with all of you on Wednesday. Then students will revisit their favorite type of writing (narrative, nonfiction, opinion, fantasy) this year and plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish one last final piece of writing as a third-grade student! 

Math: This week we will continue reviewing some of the major math concepts we have learned during our year. These include adding and subtraction numbers in the hundreds, multiplication, division, elapsed time, geometry, area and perimeter, and lastly fractions.  

Genius Hour/ Passion Projects: Students will have time to work on their chosen projects. Students are busy writing scripts, building movie sets, create stop-animation movies, creating art out recycled materials, making podcasts, etc. They will have time to find a good ending point for these projects or decide next steps they would like to take outside of school. Please ask your child about their project. 

Home learning is not required the last two weeks, but here are some options to choose from as we say goodbye to our third-grade year together.

Create a math game that friends could take home or build on their own to practice multiplication/division facts.

Language arts:

Write a song or poem about your year in grade 3!
Language arts:

Write a card to someone you are very thankful for in grade 3.  Bring the card on Friday to give to that person.
Practice your fact fluency (multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction)
  • Flashcards, online, games, worksheets
We will be moving into a new space. Draw a design/map of what your dream classroom would look like? What kinds of things would you want to have in your classroom?
Read a book aloud to someone or a stuffed animal.
Remember: Reading is just what we do. It is expected each night.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Newsletter Week of May 21st

Hello 3AH parents,

This week was a busy week with our math assessment on fractions, our satellite testing, and writing poems. Please check the class blog for photos of our satellite testing. 

This week begins on a Day 3.

Our learning Celebration is fast approaching. Please mark it on your calendar. We have heard from the administration and to clarify, we will be serving food during the celebration. It will also be running a bit longer and will end at 9:15. The team will be providing coffee and tea.   

A note from the PE department: On Friday, May 25th ISKL will have the traditional Parent Run (PE team assisted) Wet & Wild Day. There will be numerous water activities and games taking place on the lower field which will be revealed on the day.
Students will need to 
- Come down to the field ready to go dressed in their water attire, 
- Have school clothing in a bag to change into after the session.
- Bring a Towel, drink bottle & hat
- Only go into the change rooms after their session

Reading/Writing: Students will explore what is a simile and a metaphor. Once they understand what the difference is between them, students will begin to write poems that include similes or metaphors. Students will also choose words and mood to add meaning to their writing. We will pay close attention to the last line of a poem, noticing that often the end of a poem offers new insights into the rest of the text. 

Math: This week we will be reviewing some of the major math concepts we have learned during our year. For the last three weeks, we will be working on the math units from the entire year. These include adding and subtraction numbers in the hundreds, multiplication, division, elapsed time, geometry, area and perimeter, and lastly fractions.  

Science: Students will revisit the concept of patterns such as seasons and night and day. We will also review some of the concepts from the beginning of the unit. Check the class blog for posts about our learning!  

Week of May 21st. Please complete 2 activities and bring in to share on Friday, May 25th.
Practice your addition and subtraction facts. How many addition or subtraction question can you solve in two minutes?
Language Arts: Write a letter to a fellow student or friend that is leaving. Perhaps write about a memory you have of them.
Language Arts: Write a poem about your favorite season. Think of why you like it so much? What feelings does that season make you feel?
Math: Find the area for a rectangle that is 14 feet long and 7 feet wide.
Earth and Space: Build some paper airplanes. Try some different designs. Share with the class which airplane worked the best and why?
Other: Play a game with your family. Talk about how teamwork and sharing makes the game more enjoyable.
Remember: Reading is just what we do. It is expected each night.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Note From Julie

A note from Julie:

Teachers will work with parents to plan the end of year special events. This includes the Wet and Wild Day as well as a culminating gathering immediately following the grade 3 final Learning Celebration. We apologize for any confusion or incorrect messages regarding food not being served.  Teachers were not given clear guidelines on how to approach the Ramadan time relative to food at school events.  As an international school, we are respectful of all cultures and religions.  Our current practice and guidelines for end of year celebrations will continue as always. I am confident that students will enjoy the planned events!

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Newsletter Week of May 14th

Hello 3AH parents,

This week is a return to a full week of school. Monday will be a Day 4. ASA's are finished for the year. Your child will be coming home on their normal 2:45   bus after school.

Ramadan is starting on May 15th. If your child is fasting, please contact their classroom teacher to inform them. If your child is fasting, they can read in the library during recess time but will be expected to participate in some modified PE activities.

Our learning Celebration is fast approaching. Please mark it on your calendar. As the celebration is during Ramadan we will not be serving coffee or food. 

Reading/Writing: Students will find poems with strong feelings and concrete details of life. Next, students will include sensory details to elaborate and revise their work.

Math: This is our final week for the fractions unit. We will review the main math concepts for this unit.
           They include 
  • Partition shapes.
  • Represent equal parts of a whole as a fraction.
  • Construct visual representation of equivalent fractions.
  • Identify equivalent fractions.
  • Use a number line to order and compare fractions.

Science: This week students will build a satellite. The goal is for it to drop from a height while holding an egg and to land soft enough so that the egg does not break. We are looking for parent volunteers to have their child bring in hard-boiled eggs for this experiment. Please contact me if you are able to do so. 

Week of May 14th. Please complete 2 activities and bring in to share on Friday, May 18th.
Math: Mrs. Rivera is planting flowers in her 1-meter long rectangular plant box. She divides the plant box into sections 14 meter in length and plants 1 seed in each section. Draw and label a fraction strip representing the plant box from 0 meters to 1 meter. Represent each section where Mrs. Rivera will plant a seed. Label all the fractions.
Language Arts: Read 2 poems. Write down and discuss three craft moves the poet included to make their poem ( repetition, senses, line breaks, similies, metaphors)
Language Arts: Write a poem about an important object in your home. It could be an important childhood toy or object.

Math: For a measurement project in math class, students measured the lengths of their pinky fingers. Alex’s measured 2 inches long. Jerimiah’s pinky finger was 74 inches long. Whose finger is longer? Draw a number line to help prove your answer.
Earth and Space: Design a parachute to test at your house. Try testing it by dropping an object from a chair. How does the shape, size or other factors change the parachute? Take pictures of your work and email it to your teacher.
Other: Show your favorite blog post with your parents. Explain what you did and why you are proud of it.

Remember: Reading is just what we do. It is expected each night.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Newsletter Week of May 7th

Hello 3AH parents,

Although it was a short three day week we were able to launch our poetry unit and explored the concept of gravity. 

A friendly reminder that we will be having a learning celebration on Wednesday, May 30th from 8:15-9:00. All parents are encouraged to attend. 

 We do not have school on Wednesday due to the election. Because of this change in our schedule, we will not be changing our Melawati day schedule. So Thursday is Day 2, not a Day 1. 

 Monday will be a Day 5.

Students will explore how poets see the world through special lenses. Poets see with both their hearts and minds, writing about the world in fresh, unusual ways. They will also try a few different ways of breaking up their lines, choosing where they put words and how they use white space. Students will continue to read poems and notice the way the authors craft their poems and try out those moves in their own poems.

Students will continue to work on fractions. This week they will work on ways to recognize and show that equivalent fractions have the same size, though not necessarily the same shape.

Students will take the knowledge from their rocket ships and apply them to a new project, a satellite. The objective of this task is to launch it as high as it can go and also have it land safely. 

Home learning is due this Friday. Please refer to the last newsletter for the home learning options.