This week is a return to a full week of school. Monday will be a Day 4. ASA's are finished for the year. Your child will be coming home on their normal 2:45 bus after school.
Ramadan is starting on May 15th. If your child is fasting, please contact their classroom teacher to inform them. If your child is fasting, they can read in the library during recess time but will be expected to participate in some modified PE activities.

Reading/Writing: Students will find poems with strong feelings and concrete details of life. Next, students will include sensory details to elaborate and revise their work.
Math: This is our final week for the fractions unit. We will review the main math concepts for this unit.
They include
- Partition shapes.
- Represent equal parts of a whole as a fraction.
- Construct visual representation of equivalent fractions.
- Identify equivalent fractions.
- Use a number line to order and compare fractions.
Science: This week students will build a satellite. The goal is for it to drop from a height while holding an egg and to land soft enough so that the egg does not break. We are looking for parent volunteers to have their child bring in hard-boiled eggs for this experiment. Please contact me if you are able to do so.
Week of May 14th. Please complete 2 activities and bring in to share on Friday, May 18th.
Math: Mrs. Rivera is planting flowers in her 1-meter long rectangular plant box. She divides the plant box into sections 14 meter in length and plants 1 seed in each section. Draw and label a fraction strip representing the plant box from 0 meters to 1 meter. Represent each section where Mrs. Rivera will plant a seed. Label all the fractions.
Language Arts: Read 2 poems. Write down and discuss three craft moves the poet included to make their poem ( repetition, senses, line breaks, similies, metaphors)
Language Arts: Write a poem about an important object in your home. It could be an important childhood toy or object.
Math: For a measurement project in math class, students measured the lengths of their pinky fingers. Alex’s measured 2 inches long. Jerimiah’s pinky finger was 74 inches long. Whose finger is longer? Draw a number line to help prove your answer.
Earth and Space: Design a parachute to test at your house. Try testing it by dropping an object from a chair. How does the shape, size or other factors change the parachute? Take pictures of your work and email it to your teacher.
Other: Show your favorite blog post with your parents. Explain what you did and why you are proud of it.
Remember: Reading is just what we do. It is expected each night.
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