Hello 3AH parents,
Although it was a short three day week we were able to launch our poetry unit and explored the concept of gravity.
A friendly reminder that we will be having a learning celebration on Wednesday, May 30th from 8:15-9:00. All parents are encouraged to attend.
We do not have school on Wednesday due to the election. Because of this change in our schedule, we will not be changing our Melawati day schedule. So Thursday is Day 2, not a Day 1.
Monday will be a Day 5.
Students will explore how poets see the world through special lenses. Poets see with both their hearts and minds, writing about the world in fresh, unusual ways. They will also try a few different ways of breaking up their lines, choosing where they put words and how they use white space. Students will continue to read poems and notice the way the authors craft their poems and try out those moves in their own poems.
Students will continue to work on fractions. This week they will work on ways to recognize and show that equivalent fractions have the same size, though not necessarily the same shape.
Students will take the knowledge from their rocket ships and apply them to a new project, a satellite. The objective of this task is to launch it as high as it can go and also have it land safely.
Home learning is due this Friday. Please refer to the last newsletter for the home learning options.
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